Browse Feed Entries By Tag: discrimination
Our stories remind one another of our shared humanity. By Debra Muzikar As I was driving home last Saturday from dropping Kevin off to visit his Dad, the NPR radio station played an interview with David Isay, the founder of StoryCorps. StoryCorps is an organization that goes from city to city collec…
05.09.2016 · From The Art of Autism
The average interview will force an AS person to simultaneously study themselves and the interviewer(s), deal with typical interview stress (and special anxiety from being in a new area and around a new person who is judging them), and think of good answers to hard questions. All this mental and emo…
12.04.2016 · From The Art of Autism
“I’ve noticed as Eric has aged, he is seen less and less as an actual person. Which is why he is no longer pitied. To them, he’s no longer a sentient human being. He is seen more and more as a thing. Eric IS a person. “ By Lori Pollard As a young child, my son Eric was quie…
21.03.2016 · From The Art of Autism
Autistic people are chronically targets of bullying, discrimination, ableism, domestic violence and time and time again are being murdered by the people who are supposed to take care of them. If a person has the ability to avoid all of that by hiding what makes them appear to be autistic, I think t…
20.12.2015 · From The Art of Autism
The rescue mentality, the resistance to innovation, and the self-serving “we know what’s best” is ultimately preventing people with disabilities from more individualized supports that could lead to more inclusive lives in our communities. By Dale DiLeo If you are unfamiliar with the term “ableism”,…
23.11.2015 · From The Art of Autism