You're Invited to join Lori Shayew of "the Gifts of Autism" on Sunday, February 14th as she interviews Marisa Leon about her own journey beyond the label. This webinar consists of two parts. First, Marisa will be interviewed and will deeply share her own journey beyond the label, and the second part, she will be taking questions from the listeners and sharing insights so they can deeply connect within themselves and their children. (Very Powerful)
This interview will showcase Marisa’s life beyond the label of bipolar. She will talk about her childhood, her extreme challenges during what she calls her “bipolar days,” and how she is now no longer affected at all by her diagnosis. She will also discuss how self-awareness, self-trust and self-acceptance changed her life in beautiful and catalytic ways. In Marisa's professional life, these personal breakthroughs have led to phenomenal outcomes in the children she serves who are on and off the spectrum. Her personal experience has given her deeper insights in how to deeply connect and tune in with the children, especially those who are non-speaking. Marisa will be taking questions at the end.
Marisa is a multi-sensory intuitive and will be taking questions at the end of the interview. If you're looking for more clarity with your child, you don't want to miss this. This information can create a powerful shift between you and your child. Marisa is able access information on many levels. This webinar will change the way you see/perceive the label of autism and beyond.
Lori says "What an honor it is to interview my dear friend, Marisa Leon. She has a powerful story that she is sharing HERE for the FIRST time ever on a pubic forum. Her story/transformation has the capacity to SHIFT many lives. I don't say this lightly. I have experienced Marisa's work too. She is openly sharing her journey through her bipolar experience and HOW she transcended it in order to live beyond the label. After the interview portion.. Marisa will be taking questions from the participants on the call and will be doing some intuitive readings. Marisa is a multi-sensory intuitive and is able to deeply connect with you and your children. Who's Ready for a Huge Paradigm Shift?? Feel free to share this page with your friends, family and network. See you on Sunday!!"
There is a $22. suggested registration fee for this event. As soon as we receive your contribution you will receive the registration link for the webinar.
The proceeds from this webinar go towards The Gifts of Autism Mentorship Program Scholarship Fund and administrative costs. Our intention is to educate as many people as possible on seeing Autism through a different and empowering lens. Please share this information with your friends, family and community.