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Gary_jesch's news
Being autistic himself, Dr. Hale exemplifies the self-determination, courage, and perseverance needed to achieve success. He is a true inspiration to everyone!
04.03.2020 · From gary_jesch
Gregory Chabolla discovers his talent as a woodworker, despite his unique challenges.
17.12.2018 · From gary_jesch
James Hunt shares the story of Catie, a "mommy blogger" who wants to share her experiences with the world.
05.04.2016 · From gary_jesch
Lori Shayew of The Gifts of Autism interviews Marisa Leon, a multi-sensory intuitive who serves the autistic.
11.02.2016 · From gary_jesch
Angela Geiger elected to CEO post of Autism Speaks
14.01.2016 · From gary_jesch
Nearly a decade of basic research has suggested that reduced GABA activity in the brain plays a role in producing autism’s hallmark symptoms. But most of this research involved laboratory animals and genetic studies.
17.12.2015 · From gary_jesch
The Ed Games Expo on Wednesday, December 9, 2015 in Washington DC, hosted 45 developers who are building games for learning that are designed to engage students across a variety of topics and subject matters.
16.12.2015 · From gary_jesch
Firefly Autism pulls in $70K on "Colorado Gives Day."
16.12.2015 · From gary_jesch
Dr. Stephen Shore, autism advocate and teacher, is one of three new Board members of Autism Speaks, according to an announcement this week.
10.12.2015 · From gary_jesch
Autism Society CEO Scott Badesch sends out a message of hope following the tragedy in San Bernardino, CA
10.12.2015 · From gary_jesch
A live animation system has been developed to help children with autism work through social anxiety.
02.12.2015 · From gary_jesch
President of National Education Assoc. Lily Garcia's remarks concern those connected with people with disabilities.
02.12.2015 · From gary_jesch
UC Davis researchers recommend broader access to early intervention, employment support
19.11.2015 · From gary_jesch
Public-private partnership aims to increase quality and quantity of brain tissue for autism research
18.11.2015 · From gary_jesch
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