Browse Feed Entries By Tag: parenting
by Daniel Antonsson If you would have asked me when I was young if I would ever be a father, then I would probably have said no. First of all, I felt that it would be difficult to find someone in this world that I could form such a strong bond with that parenting ever would be on the map. Also, I ne…
07.08.2024 · From The Art of Autism
By Kris McElroy I found out I was autistic when I was 30 years old after over two decades of misdiagnoses, misunderstandings, and maltreatment. The diagnosis helped make so much more sense to me about myself and the world around me. It helped me understand I was having meltdowns because I was overlo…
15.10.2021 · From The Art of Autism
October is National Disability Employment Awareness month. I struggled for years with employment; I am now gainfully employed going on 13.6 years in the mental health field and 18 years part-time as a professor of theology and speak at over 70 events a year. As I refined my talents and special inter…
12.10.2021 · From The Art of Autism
By Ron Sandison Father’s Day is especially meaningful to me as a dad with autism, I try not to take the responsibility for granted with my hectic schedule of writing and speaking. When I was diagnosed with autism at age seven the experts informed my parents I would probably never get married and ha…
20.06.2021 · From The Art of Autism
There is nothing wrong with theses children, they are just trying to get by themselves, like everyone else. By Jeffrey Sabins Let me ask a quick question. When you think of a child with autism which one in the photo do you see? Don’t feel bad, don’t feel judged, just be honest. No one will know, unl…
23.06.2019 · From The Art of Autism
4th in the Happy Sawyer series By Nikki Mann  I suppose I don’t think of Sawyer as autistic any more frequently than I consciously acknowledge that he has blue eyes, or that his 3 year old sister whinges for most of the livelong day. So when I put his school bags on the same cushion of th…
23.10.2018 · From The Art of Autism
Since autism has no physical manifestation it’s hard to know that this child in the middle of a meltdown is autistic. By Tulika Prasad A few days back while I was browsing the aisles of a store my nine-year-old son brushed against another customer. I was hoping it wouldn’t be a big deal but sh…
02.09.2018 · From The Art of Autism
An interview with Karla Akins, Author of A Pair of Miracles: A Story of Autism, Faith, and Determined Parenting By Ron Sandison 1. What were the first signs your twin boys had autism? The twins cried and screamed constantly. They bit one another mercilessly from the time they could crawl. They were…
13.07.2018 · From The Art of Autism
3rd in the new series on the Art of Autism titled ‘Happy Sawyer’ By Nikki Mann It’s like this: The build up to diagnosis feels a bit like climbing a really steep hill, without knowing what you will find at the top. The whole way up, you know which direction you’re aiming for, but you have no idea w…
16.03.2018 · From The Art of Autism
“The “sand” reference came from a statement Noah made before his diagnosis – a clue that the texture of the strawberry jelly in his sandwich bothered him. But over time, it became a metaphor for the messy, inconvenient, uncomfortable things God had permitted in our lives,” Sarah Parshall…
05.01.2018 · From The Art of Autism
2nd in the new monthly series of ‘Happy Sawyer’ By Nikki Mann I don’t think I’d realised how much Sawyer’s first 2 or 3 years had affected me emotionally until I started writing it all down, and I don’t think I’d realised until now how much my life has been changed by them. I have so many stories to…
28.12.2017 · From The Art of Autism
1st in the new monthly Art of Autism series of ‘Happy Sawyer’ By Nikki Mann My son is sitting next to me as I type this. He is wearing a Thomas the Tank Engine top, holding his favourite Thomas the Tank Engine toy, whilst watching Thomas the Tank Engine tutorials on YouTube. For those of you unfami…
13.11.2017 · From The Art of Autism
By Tulika Prasad I’m not a supermom but I get that a lot. Having a child with Autism does not make me one. Please let me be weak and let me cry, let me make mistakes, let my guard down, and let me just be a mom, a wife, a woman, not a “super-someone.” The day Vedant was diagnosed with Autism, …
08.11.2017 · From The Art of Autism
“When we learn to shift our mindsets to accept, connect and engage in their world’s, it becomes refreshing and feels like a breath of fresh air.” Dr. Alisha Griffith By Ron Sandison I had the pleasure to meet and interview Dr. Alisha Griffith from New York in May at the Navigating…
17.10.2017 · From The Art of Autism
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