Browse Feed Entries By Tag: autism spectrum disorders
What? College classes start this week. This summer just sped by! We were all so happy to be at least partially out of COVID confinement that we crammed as much fun and adventure as we could into this summer. We surfed, kayaked, went whitewater rafting, enjoyed playing in the parks and hiking through…
26.08.2021 · From Autistry Studios
It feels so good to write 2021 and put 2020 behind us. Though the last year was dark with fires, COVID, and economic uncertainty there were times of light and laughter. Autistry ended the year with stunning success stories. We supported 20 students taking several different courses at College of Mar…
07.01.2021 · From Autistry Studios
The first week of college classes has begun. Yes, summer 2020 is truly over and what a strange, surreal experience this has been. In mid-March we converted all our services to working remote. We usually plan several outdoor adventures during the summer: whitewater rafting, kayaking, camping, and lon…
28.08.2020 · From Autistry Studios
Autistry shot into 2020 as if from a child’s slingshot with the Heart of Marin Award quickly followed by the Jefferson Award and now here we all are grounded like naughty teenagers. The Autistry staff was not deterred. Within 2 days of the Shelter-in-Place (SIP) order they had all our clients …
01.04.2020 · From Autistry Studios
Another year of rapid growth and development at Autistry! We have grown so quickly that I only just realized it has been a year since the last newsletter. The silence is not from lack of cool news to report – more like lack of time to report it! New students – Fall semester 2019 we supported 20 stud…
26.11.2019 · From Autistry Studios
Oh, what an amazing year! Autistry growth in 2018 was much like that of a teenager- awkward and exhilarating, fun and a bit frightening, at times plodding and frustrating yet filled with limitless possibilities. We grew in bursts and scrambled to hire staff to work with all the new students. We …
30.12.2018 · From Autistry Studios
Autistry Studios builds independent adults. Becoming independent is not a passive process. It takes courage and an inner fortitude to challenge oneself to learn a new skill, break an old habit, or create a dream.   Autistry is a therapeutic/educational Maker Space celebrating its 10th year prov…
24.11.2018 · From Autistry Studios
We are well into the new school semester and I still haven’t done a summer wrap-up newsletter. Let’s fix that! In June we launched our first Autistry Comprehensive Adult Program (ACAP) Summer Session. It was five days a week of exercise, vocational training, college prep, and fun. The pr…
12.09.2018 · From Autistry Studios
Summer is here! Before I tell you about the great summer program at Autistry I want to celebrate and congratulate our students who have successfully found employment. This is a tough job market where even entry level positions often require college degrees. Though Autistry does not formally provide …
17.06.2018 · From Autistry Studios
Ian’s Reading Circle April is Autism Acceptance Month. I’m not sure what that means as I can’t imagine not accepting autism as a way of being, a way of experiencing the world. But I also know that many individuals need help along the way. Please take some time this month (and every…
21.04.2018 · From Autistry Studios
2017 – what a fabulous year! Last December I wrote that we were “ready to roll up our sleeves and take Autistry to the next level”. I am happy to report that we did just that. We received our Community Care License, became vendorized by the Golden Gate Regional Center, launched the…
27.12.2017 · From Autistry Studios
PRESS RELEASE SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Oct. 17, 2017 – Autistry Studios, a therapeutic /educational makerspace providing programs and services to teens and adults with autism, announced today that Clifford Saron, PhD, research neuroscientist at the Center for Mind and Brain and the MIND Institute at UC D…
23.10.2017 · From Autistry Studios
How to Contribute to a Non-Event Event:   Step 1: Look at your wardrobe for appropriately formal yet professional Gala wear     Step 2: Franticly search for someone to watch your kids/cats/parents Step 3: Relax! Forget about the first 2 steps, you don’t actually need to go anywhere…
09.10.2017 · From Autistry Studios
With schools starting earlier and earlier, summers are getting shorter and shorter. And this one was certainly fast and furious. But we managed many new projects, exciting excursions, and the launch of two new programs. The Autistry Comprehensive Adult Program (ACAP) began this summer. ACAP is comp…
07.08.2017 · From Autistry Studios
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